Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Cup of Mangosteen Tea

I was very fortunate to receive fresh mangosteen in Hawaii.  Besides eating this fruit fresh, I prepped the rind and skin to bring back to the Mainland to make tea.

1) Fresh Mangosteens
 Fresh Mangosteens

2) Inside Mangosteens

 Inside Mangosteens.  The white flesh was eaten fresh, the rind and skin was saved for tea.

3) Cutting the mangosteens rind and skin into small pieces for drying

Cutting mangosteens rind and skin

Drying the rind and skin in the Hawaiian sun
FYI: One cannot bring fresh mangosteen fruit back to the U.S. mainland; but can bring back the dried rind and skin.

4) Grind the rind and skin in a clean coffee grinder

Grinding the rind and skin

5) Now in close to powder form

Grinded mangosteen rind and skin

6) Mangosteen Tea
1 quart of water
1 tablespoon of grinded mangosteen rind and skin
heat for 30 minutes
add 1 tablespoon of honey
This makes two cups of mangosteen tea

Right before I added the honey

A cup of mangosteen tea

I am so grateful to the fresh mangosteens; you can google research the health benefits of mangosteens.


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